Tuning PID control loops for fast response
When choosing a tuning strategy for a specific control
loop, it is important to match the technique to the needs of that loop and the
larger process. It is also important to have more than one approach in your
repertoire, and the Cohen-Coon method can be a handy addition in the right
The well-known Ziegler-Nichols tuning rules work well only
on processes with very long time constants relative to their dead times, and on
level control loops. However, its performance is not good on flow, liquid
pressure, and many other loops that require fast adjustment. In contrast, the
Cohen-Coon tuning rules work well on virtually all self-regulating processes
and were designed to give a very fast response.
The method's original design resulted in loops with too much
oscillatory response and consequently fell into disuse. However, with some
modification, Cohen-Coon tuning rules proved their value for control loops that
need to respond quickly while being much less prone to oscillations.
Applicable process types
The Cohen-Coon tuning method isn't suitable for every
application. For starters, it can be used only on self-regulating processes.
Most control loops, e.g., flow, temperature, pressure, speed, and composition,
are, at least to some extent, self-regulating processes. (On the other hand,
the most common integrating process is a level control loop.)
A self-regulating process always stabilizes at some point of
equilibrium, which depends on the process design and the controller output. If
the controller output is set to a different value, the process will respond and
stabilize at a new point of equilibrium.
Target controller algorithm
Cohen-Coon tuning rules have been designed for use on a
non-interactive controller algorithm such as that provided by the Dataforth MAQ
20 industrial data acquisition and control system. There are controllers with
similar characteristics available from other suppliers.
To apply modified Cohen-Coon tuning rules, follow the steps
below. The process variable and controller output must be time-trended so that
measurements can be taken from them.
1. Do a controller output step test:
- Put the controller in manual and wait for the process to settle out.
- Make a step change in the CO (controller output) of a few percent and wait for the PV (process variable) to settle out. The size of this step should be large enough that the PV moves well clear of the process noise and disturbance level. A total movement of five times more than the peak-to-peak level of the noise and disturbances on the PV should be sufficient.
2. Determine the process characteristics (see Figure 1):
- If the PV is not ranged 0-100%, convert the change in PV to a percentage of the range: change in PV [in %] = change in PV [in engineering units] × 100 / (PV upper calibration limit - PV lower calibration limit).
- Calculate the process gain (gp): gp = total change in PV [in %] / change in CO [in %].
- Find the maximum slope of the PV response curve. This will be at the point of inflection. Draw a tangential line through the PV response curve at this point.
- Extend this line to intersect with the original level of the PV before the step in CO.
- Take note of the time value at this intersection and calculate the dead time (td): td = time difference between the change in CO and the intersection of the tangential line and the original PV level.
- If td was measured in seconds, divide it by 60 to convert it to minutes. (Since the Dataforth PID controller uses minutes as its time base for integral time, all measurements have to be made in minutes or converted to minutes. Many other controllers are similar.)
- Calculate the value of the PV at 63% of its total change.
- On the PV reaction curve, find the time value at which the PV reaches this level.
- Calculate the time constant (t): t = time difference between intersection at the end of dead time and the PV reaching 63% of its total change.
- If t was measured in seconds, divide it by 60 to convert it to minutes.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 three more times to obtain good
average values for the process characteristics.
4. Calculate controller settings for a PI or PID controller
using the modified Cohen-Coon equations below. (The modified rules calculate
the controller gain as ½ of that calculated by the original rules.)
5. Enter the values into the controller, make sure the
algorithm is set to non-interactive, and put the controller in automatic mode.
6. Change the setpoint to test the new values.
Do fine tuning if necessary. The control loop's response can
be slowed down and made less oscillatory, if needed, by decreasing KC and/or
increasing TI.
These modified Cohen-Coon tuning rules are an excellent
method for achieving fast response on virtually all control loops with
self-regulating processes. They are an effective and highly reliable
alternative to the Ziegler-Nichols tuning method, which does not work well when
applied to many self-regulating processes.
Derivative in PID Control
The third factor in PID is the least understood.
Derivative action can do good things, but when used improperly, it causes
You’ve probably heard the expression, “a little knowledge is
dangerous.” This certainly applies to PID loops, especially when you try to
dabble with the derivative factor. This element of the control strategy can
improve performance, but only in the right situations and when applied
properly. Understanding those
situations begins with a quick basic review of
how PID operates.
Proportional control applies an effort in
proportion to how far you are from the setpoint. It’s main drawback is that the
closer you get to the setpoint, the less it pushes. Eventually it doesn’t push
hard enough to move the variable, so the process can run continuously close to
the setpoint, but not quite there.
Integral control tries to even out the
difference of the time spend on both sides of the line. If you’ve spent a
minute running at 98%, it will try to push you over to 102% for similar amount
of time. This action compensates for P’s inability to make that last effort.
Many, if not most, control applications can run perfectly
well with just P and I control. (See sidebar.) Ziegler-Nichols tuning produces
the traditional curve where the process variable oscillates briefly but settles
onto the line with each cycle reducing amplitude by 75%. For applications that
require the fastest possible
response, seeing that kind of action after a
setpoint change would be hugely rewarding to a control engineer.
But let’s say the process in your case is a tank of liquid
product that you’re trying to heat. If the process variable (temperature) goes
above the setpoint, the product may be ruined or catch on fire. So, how do you
get the process variable to move, but not overshoot the setpoint excessively?
One answer is introducing a derivative factor.
Derivative acts as a brake or dampener on the
control effort. The more the controller tries to change the value, the more it
counteracts the effort. In our example, the variable rises in response to the
setpoint change, but not as violently. As it approaches the setpoint, it
settles in nicely with a minimum of overshoot. It doesn’t move as quickly as
the PI-only effort, but without the oscillations, the right amount of derivative
action can stabilize the process variable at the setpoint sooner.
Bob Rice, Ph.D., director of solutions engineering for
Control Station, sums up the three elements: “The proportional term looks at
where my value is currently. Integral looks at where I’ve been over time, and
derivative tries to predict where I’m going. Derivative tries to work opposite
of where proportional and integral are trying to drive the process. P and I are
trying to drive one way, and D is trying to counteract that. Derivative has its
largest effect when the process is changing rapidly in one direction. The P and
I terms are saying, 'Keep going.’ The derivative catches it and says, 'You’re
going too fast. You need to slow down.’”
Factors act when needed
If you think in terms of what the controller wants to do in
a given situation, you can begin to analyze how the factors are working at any
point in the process. Looking at the situation in the top diagram of the
sidebar, the operator has raised the setpoint. How does the controller respond?
As the process variable passes the “cliff” formed by the setpoint
change, suddenly the proportional error is huge, although integral and
derivative actions are effectively zero. The controller begins to raise the
variable responding to the proportional action. As it moves, the P action
declines as it gets closer to the setpoint, but the integral action grows as
long as the variable is below the line. As the curve suddenly turns up,
derivative wakes up in response to the sudden shift and begins to counteract
what’s happening with P and I.
As the variable approaches the setpoint, proportional action
is almost zero but integral has increased. The derivative braking action
continues. Once the variable crosses the line, it changes. P begins to increase
its effort in the other direction as it moves above the line. Integral begins
to relax now that it has moved past the setpoint. D sees the slope beginning to
decline and relaxes as well. Soon the proportional action brings it around, the
variable heads toward the setpoint again and all the actions are reversed.
Proportional action is the strongest when the distance from
the setpoint is the greatest. Integral increases its effort with every moment
that passes with the variable on just one side of the line. Derivative makes no
effort when the line is flat, even if it is nowhere close to the setpoint. D
will not move the line itself, it can only counteract P and I efforts. So a D
controller, if such exists, would be stable and easy to tune, but not
particularly effective.
The art of loop tuning is determining the optimum values for
each of those actions so that they balance each other and move the specific
loop in a way that is best for that process.
So where’s the value?
So if the main purpose is slowing the control effort of the
other factors, what’s D good for? Fast acting loops, such as flow and pressure
loops, don’t really need it. If a loop can change in a matter of seconds or a
minute or two, making it respond 10% faster isn’t much of an improvement. As
already mentioned, the best uses are for slow moving loops where overshoot is
Rice suggests, “With a slow loop, the future’s pretty easy
to predict because you know it’s going to keep going for 20 to 30 minutes. But
if you’ve got something like a flow loop where in two or three samples, your
process can be in a completely different direction, derivative is not going to
provide any benefit. If you’ve got processes that tend to overshoot and are
very slow, that’s where your benefit’s going to come: one-way batch systems
where you can only heat but you can’t cool, or you can only cool but you can’t
heat. Overshoot is completely unacceptable in those cases, because if you go
past your setpoint, you don’t have an opposite action to bring it back. You use
derivative to be sure you don’t.”
So you don’t need D in most cases? Probably not. Rice adds,
“About 90% of the loops out there are probably PI control. It’s going to get
you good enough control for most of your applications, and it’s simpler. A well
tuned PI controller is going to beat a moderately tuned PID controller every
time. Adding the extra tuning parameter adds complexity, which can confuse a
lot of people. It’s only in those remaining percentage points where you’ve got
a really slow loop but you can’t afford MPC or other advanced controls, then
you can add some derivative to take the edge off so it doesn’t overshoot and
tend to oscillate as much.”
George Buckbee, P.E., vice president of marketing and
product development for ExperTune warns that
some traditional loop tuning
beliefs should not be considered as universal. “That Ziegler-Nichols quarter
amplitude damping thing is a bit of a fallacy for a lot of loops,” he advises.
“The criteria for what is 'good performance’ really do change from one loop to
the next, but usually it’s faster movement toward the setpoint with less risk
of overshoot. You have to choose those criteria wisely, and define them for
control performance on a per-loop basis”.
As the sidebar shows, there are approaches that can achieve
the effect of derivative control without using it at all. However, as Buckbee
points out, each loop has to be approached individually using the right tuning
for a given situation.
D for dangerous
This all sounds very positive, so where does the problem
come in? Buckbee compares using derivative to learning to drive: “Derivative is
like trying to drive your car with one foot on the gas and one foot on the
brake. To my 16-year-old son who’s just learning, that was the first thing he
wanted to do.” Such an approach might work for a skilled race car driver, but
most loops don’t need that kind of immediate and violent action.
It is derivative’s tendency to act quickly that introduces
most of the problems. Anytime it sees the process variable head up or down,
it’s going to respond even if the change is really nothing but noise. Buckbee
adds, “Derivative is looking at fast, short-term changes in the process
variable, and that’s all that noise is. It goes up by 1%, and the next sample
it’s down by 1%. Derivative looks at that and says, 'Wow, a 1% change in one
second—that’s pretty fast, something’s going on, I better make a change.’ The
controller is going to try and compensate for that kind of movement, and you’re
going to beat up the valve.”
So the main negative result from derivative action is
excessive wear on equipment. If you drive your car by alternately flooring the
gas and slamming on the brakes, or worse, driving with both pressed at the same
time, it will wear out quickly. One solution, at least in some cases, is using
a filter on the process variable to reduce noise. But this can introduce its
own problems. “You need to coordinate the amount of derivative action with the
amount of filtering that you do,” Buckbee suggests. “If you overfilter, you
might as well not have derivative at all. You shouldn’t find the filtering
value and the derivative value independently of each other.”
Rice also cautions, “A lot of controllers that use
derivative have internal filtering. You have four parameters, P, I, D, and
derivative lag filter. A lot of controllers implement this derivative filtering
concept and don’t always tell you what they’re doing. Some don’t do a very good
job of it. You get into a very complicated algorithm where there isn’t just one
or two PID forms, there’s 10 or 12 or 15 variations that can really muck up the
tuning process.”
D for destabilizing
Even in situations where loops move slowly and fit the
description for appropriate derivative deployment, you have to be careful how
much you use. Rice suggests that if the dampening action is too high, you have
to turn up the P and I action to compensate, like trying to accelerate your car
with a foot on the brake.
“If you have a system like a really slow temperature loop,
users tend to put a lot of derivative in there because they don’t like the
overshoot,” he says. “What ends up happening is you have to put a pretty large
proportional and integral effect in there to get the process to even move, and
the derivative sits there and fights it all day long. If you’ve got a system
where there’s an upset, you want to be able to recover from that upset quickly,
but derivative’s dampening effect is going to hamper that response. Large
derivative action tends to destabilize a loop because it doesn’t allow it to
change. The rule of thumb is that if your derivative time is greater than the
reset time of your controller, you’ve got issues. That should never, ever
Ultimately, the use of derivative action can be beneficial,
but it has to be used in the right situations and in the right amounts. Your
starting assumption should be to see if the process will run satisfactorily on
PI control alone for the reasons already mentioned. As the sidebar shows,
careful tuning of P and I factors can achieve much of the same no-overshoot
benefit in certain conditions, so that is probably a better approach to begin
with. Adding derivative should be done cautiously and with appropriate
filtration. Like cooking with hot sauce, in the right context and in skilled
hands, the result can be remarkable. But if it’s used inappropriately, it’s a
recipe for disaster.
Derivative action at work
John Ziegler and Nathaniel Nichols, the fathers of PID loop
tuning, recognized as far back as 1942 that derivative action dampens the
control effort. They discovered through trial and error that setting the
derivative time to at least half of the process deadtime would slow the
controlled response to a step change in the setpoint.
The top trend chart shows a typical first-order process
responding to a setpoint change under the influence of a full, three-term PID
controller tuned according to the Zeigler-Nichols rules. The middle trend chart
shows the same response with the brakes off; that is, with derivative action
disabled. The rate at which the process variable climbs after the setpoint
change and the degree by which it overshoots the setpoint have both increased.
Ironically, overshoot can be eliminated entirely by leaving
the derivative action disabled, decreasing the proportional gain and increasing
the integral time. The bottom trend chart shows the process’s setpoint response
under the influence of a PI-only controller tuned according to the critical
damping rules that call for a 69% smaller proportional gain and an integral
time lengthened by a factor equal to the process gain. No derivative action is
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